Recent entertainments
1. A wedding held at the fabulous deCordova Museum uniting two artistic philosophy majors -- with great eats, a cool band that did NOT offer a rendition of "Shout" or "The Hokey Pokey," and a groom who played and sang a funny and touching song he'd written to his new wife.
2. God Shuffled His Feet (Crash Test Dummies)
3. A friend's demo of the latest iPhoto on a big honking monitor. Yes, chimney-pot photos CAN be beautiful! (And he's an excellent photographer of lots of other subjects as well.) Anyone who prefers Windows to Macs has a screw loose. Run, do not walk, away from your unreliable and derivative PC to the incredibly easy to use and elegantly designed Apple product.
4. Rediscovering the site of Mahir, the Turkish love-monkey.
5. The Child in Time by Ian McEwan.
2. God Shuffled His Feet (Crash Test Dummies)
3. A friend's demo of the latest iPhoto on a big honking monitor. Yes, chimney-pot photos CAN be beautiful! (And he's an excellent photographer of lots of other subjects as well.) Anyone who prefers Windows to Macs has a screw loose. Run, do not walk, away from your unreliable and derivative PC to the incredibly easy to use and elegantly designed Apple product.
4. Rediscovering the site of Mahir, the Turkish love-monkey.
5. The Child in Time by Ian McEwan.