Sometimes you get more than you bargained for. Some of those times you have a choice in the matter, like the ridiculous Iowa woman who took fertility drugs and presto! -- for pregnant with septuplets that eventually stacked up in her like a human pyramid at the circus , but she wouldn't consent to culling any embryos when they realized they were going to have a litter of puppies, because she and her husband met at Bible college, y'see, and it's God's will and all, so she had all seven babies, several with developmental problems, surprise surprise. It's her choice, though I'd sue the doctor for lifetime child support for about six of 'em. This dude didn't do an IVF, which limits the number of embryos you wind up with -- he just said "Let's pump 'er fulla Pergonal, stick in the ol' turkey baster and see whut happens!" Then there's this family in L.A. just the other day that already had two daughters and decided they wanted more, s...