Hearts and armpits
Sometimes I go a few days between blog posts, because I simply can't think of anything interesting to write about. Not that my life is dull or anything, but it's just that I don't often go into my bathroom and encounter duelling deodorants . The demonization of Obama by the Republicans has predictably begun. It's early yet, but fortunately they seem to be not very good at it so far. I'm with Maureen Dowd -- I'd rather have Obama's flaws than W's any day. The girls are finishing up a week of YMCA camp and loving it. On Monday they start six weeks of camp in town, where hopefully there will also be several of their friends from school. I had some apprehension before this week about putting them somewhere where they didn't know anyone -- worried that they would feel scared or homesick, but once again I was projecting myself at that age onto the girls, who thankfully are much less shy and fearful than I once was. Tonight they're being watched at ho...