Catching up

Haven't posted in a while but have been accumulating topics, so I'll tackle them in bite-size chunks.

When Two Religions Collide
Such was the case last Monday, April 2, date of the first Red Sox game of 2007 and also the first of the two Passover seders. Fortunately we were not hosting; we went to the house of a friend of Sarah's and had an abbreviated seder necessitated by the presence of five children ranging in age from 2 to 7. Q: Why is this night different from all other nights? A: It isn't. The Red Sox lost the first game of the new season behind their supposedly ace pitcher. Maybe next year. What's the Hebrew for "Bah"? But... they have done better. Last night Papelbon was Da Bomb, getting the last five outs against Texas after the two middle pitchers, Piniero and Lopez, choked. And now that Passover has almost passed over, as in tomorrow sundown, we can commence the important ritual of dematzification, which means removing the bajillion crumbs all over the house that result from biting into pieces of oh-so-crispy-and-crumbly matzah for a week or so.

Current Events
You know things are bad for the Republicans when even Newt Gingrich says Alberto Gonzalez should resign. And when even the Republicans don't like any of the candidates in an open field. My hopes at the moment is that Hillary, Barack or whoever don't royally screw it up. It's still depressing to think that even if the Dems win the White House and both houses of Congress in 2008, it will take years of work just to undo the damage of a term and a half of The Worst Presidency Ever, which you can claim on the basis of abortion-rights decay, the environment and any number of other issues.

My favorite new show
Soccer mom Jeannie Tate hosts a talk show from her minivan. I love it. Move over, Martha Stewart!


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