
Showing posts from May, 2006

The rogue wave is coming

Ben and I saw " Poseidon " on Wednesday. To absolutely no one's surprise, I have lots of Deep Thoughts about the remake as well as comparisons to the original ("that's heavy, Robin"). I know it's retarded, but I took a pass on the scifi-fantasy Hobbit / Dungeons and Dragons nerdliness earlier in life, and I'm not a computer programmer, so I have the right to geek out about SOMETHING. Too bad I don't put this much effort into something else, like say learning an instrument, in which case I'd be appearing nightly at Carnegie Hall or at least Great Woods. But this is gonna take a while, so brace yourself for a future sea o' type. Elsewhere in the news, work has turned into a deluge as I crank out actual web pages, among other side projects that have suddenly cropped up. This three-day weekend will be a wonderful thing. And no 9:15 a.m. soccer tomorrow -- woo hoo! Ben personally accompanied the surveyor and held the sticks this morning at our

Taking to the water

First of all, I recently noticed that the links in my April 29 post didn't go through from Microsoft Word for some reason (what a piece of shit that program is -- don't get me started), so have another look. The mots important thing, of course, is "The Amazing Mackerel Pudding Plan." The girls are now in Level 2 swimming lessons. Sarah is older and has always loved the water, so she's having a swell time. Becky is more buoyant but a bit younger and more insecure, so she isn't willing to let me get more than a few feet away from her and the rest of the class in the pool. But that's OK because she still loves the water and I get to see her cute chubby thighs in the water, which I have to remember may someday resemble those of the submerged Shelley Winters in "The Poseidon Adventure," and good lord but I totally have to see the remake that just came out, even though the characters and dialogue will undoubtedly have way too little over-the-top hammi

Keep up the good fight and all that

Sorry for the lack of recent posts. Work has actually gotten very busy -- I'm overseeing the redesign of a big web site, including writing and editing a lot of the content. Also I've been having feelings of inadequacy about blogging when you don't really have anything important to say, largely because I've been reading a blog the last few days by a woman who just this week died of ovarian cancer. Obviously someone in that situation has a lot of serious emotions and important information to share about herself, and some urgency to record these things before they're gone. Plus she was a terrific and funny writer. Plus I have a workplace friend in her early 50s who was healthy as a horse until she had a seizure in December and was diagnosed with Stage 4 glioblastoma multiforme, a brain cancer that is 99 percent fatal within 12 months. Aside from the usual stuff about her courage, she is still thinking a great deal about our workplace and the people in it, and the fact