The fat lady is practicing her scales
If you believe the David Brooks op-ed in yesterday's New York Times, it looks like it's time for Hillary to throw in the towel by graciously conceding the nomination to Obama for the good of the party, since she basically has no chance now of being the nominee herself. I think he's right. The remaining primaries are meaningless, the superdelegates are not going for her in droves, Obama weathered the Jeremiah Wright thing, so all she can hope for is a revelation that he has been hiring high-priced prostitutes — and you can be sure her people have already snooped as much as possible for any dirt of that sort. If she concedes, she helps not only the Dems, who can then turn all their attention to attacking McCain, but also herself. Instead of getting nothing out of a protracted fight except a reputation as s selfish sore loser, she could bargain for more power going forward, such as being Senate majority leader (the consensus is that neither she nor Obama would want her to be ...